Thursday 22 April 2010

Envy! One of the seven deadly sins...

Envy has been historically considered as one of the seven deadly sins. Can we think that this feeling have been presented in everybody mind in at least in one occasion? I think that "envy" is a bad but natural feeling that people have suffered in some moment of their life. Everybody says that women used to feel more envy than man. Nevertheless, I believe that this behaviour is something common and recurrent in women and men. We used to feel envy when we realize that somebody has something that we want but we can not achieve. Sometimes this feeling of envy is something temporary, but the problem begins when people is not able to control their envy and it becomes in an obsession that generates hatred in our mind.
We should think that everybody life has positive and negative aspects, so we should not envy other person's life. Since, we are damaging our own mental stability and the only victim of this terrible feeling is going to be yourself. Therefore, we can say that envy is a really dangerous attitude that causes negative consequences for everybody.However, I think that this is an inevitable feeling, since sometimes we are weak and we used to think that our life is not as good as another person life.Taking this idea into account, I think that despite the fact that envy is not good at all, it is going to be present in society throughout centuries.
The next link is an interesting website about envy over a religious perspective; we can find on it why envy is considered a sin, the christian history of this "sin" among other curious information about it!

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Bad Comedy!

Paul McDonald lecture about bad comedies was a really interesting and funny lesson. I have learned a lot of notions about different kinds of jokes such as: Stupid people jokes, Canny jokes or Ethnic jokes among other concepts. Another outstanding factor that was presented in the lecture was the notion about humour as an instrument of change.

I think that the explanation about the different sorts of humour theories was a very good point. It is true that humour is based on surprise elements that create incongruity. Besides, we must not forget that another comic key notion is the superiority theory, which explains that people laugh when they have the feeling of superiority over somebody or something. For this reason, we think that the stupid people jokes are very funny. But should we feel guilty about laughing or telling these kinds of jokes? The answer is an ambiguous one. It depends on the intentions that the comedians have at the moment of telling these jokes. However, I believe that these jokes are inoffensive in general, although we must also take into account that there are some people that can get offended by it.

Finally, I would like to points out that every sort of humour is part of social life and it helps us to relieve our social inhibitions. Therefore, I think that humour is a positive subjective response to the vicissitudes of life, as Melvin Helitzer points out in his work Comedy Writing Secrets, 1987.
The next link is a website about bad jokes where you kind find a lot of funny examples of stupid people jokes, ethnic jokes and "bad" jokes in general!

Tuesday 20 April 2010

in response to Cassandra Morgan's post about Swearing and Bad Language.

I totally agree with my classmate about this topic. I also think that swearing and bad language is a natural part of people's behaviour. The use of bad words is a common fact in current society, among women and men. I believe that everybody swears. Perhaps, it occurs in different extent but everybody does it. However, it is important take into account that this kind of attitude is not well considered in some particular contexts such as: In front of our family, In a classroom, at workplace among others. Swearing and bad language is related to informal and colloquial contexts. Since, everybody knows that despite the fact that it is a natural conduct, we have to be polite and correct in some particular places and contexts.
On the other hand, I believe that the usage of these kinds of language depends in great extent on the different cultures. For instance I think that English people in general used to swear more than the Spanish ones. Moreover, I think that the use of impolite language is a way of escape from our anger and bad mood, therefore, we can consider it as something healthy. In my opinion, swearing helps people to express their feeling in a natural way. However, we must respect that some people consider this behaviour as a rude and impolite attitude. Although over my personal point of view and as Cassandra commented on in her post, this is an hypocritical reaction, since anybody can deny that they have sworn in some occasion.

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Tattoos & Body Modification!

I had never thought about how body modification is a recurrent and ordinary practice that affects everybody. I had never consider common things such as make up, clothes or cutting my hair as part of my body modification. After this lesson, I have realized that everybody has modified their bodies in some aspects. The only different is that sometimes these changes are permanent ( tattoos) and sometimes they are temporal ( make up).
The reasons that lead people to modify their body can be several and different ones such as: religious, artistic, rebellion, fashion, sexual, membership of a group among others. However, I think that the most important fact in this behaviour is that people are conscious about what a permanent body modification can imply. For instance, tattoos or plastic surgery. I believe that people should be mature enough to be able to make a serious decision like these kinds of modifications.
Besides, I think that people also have to take into account that the fact of tattooing their body can give rise to some consequences, such as: can not find a Job or can not come in some establishments. I do not like tattoos or piercing at all. However, I think that society have to respect people who decide make these sorts of modifications, since it implies just a personal and private decision.
The next link is an useful article about the risks that people should consider before take the decision of modifying their bodies. I hope that you enjoy it!

Monday 5 April 2010

In response to Christopher Dunning's post about Pornography!

I think that pornography is a very delicate and problematic subject. As Christopher pointed out Pornography existed many years ago and it is a really old concept. On the one hand, One of the most surprise aspect of his post that have called my attention is the huge amount of money that is involved in sex industry. I can not understand how the pornography Industry can has larger revenues than Google, Microsoft, Amazon among others. This is a very surprise aspect for me.
On the other hand, Christopher said that he thinks that Pornography is not a bad thing. I disagree with him about this idea. In my opinion, Pornography is not something easy to classify as good or bad. I believe that there are a lot of dangerous elements involve in sex world, such as : Children pornography. I think that pornography is not a good thing because it can imply sexual abuse or some other horrible behaviours that do not respect people's integrity.
Therefore, I do not think that pornography can be a way of avoid sexual frustration as my classmate commented on in his post. On the contrary, I believe that this Industry is a way of create more sexual frustrations and abuses.

Sunday 28 March 2010


Infidelity, Is it a natural side of human beings? This is an open question. We can say that a lot of relationships have suffered infidelities. Sometimes are women and sometimes are men, but Can we consider that anybody is faithful when we have a relationship? Can we think that sooner or later we are going to cheat our partner on? This lesson about infidelity shows us that sometimes the fact of cheating on is not related to love. The majority of these cases are related to sex and the fact of tasting something new for us. People used to feel attraction for new things, situations and feelings every time. This is one of the most important reasons that leads people to be unfaithful.
As we can appreciate in our lives, this fact affects almost everybody : celebrities, politicians and ordinary people. People used to love their couples but it is not enough in some occasions, since we are tempting all the time . Infidelity is not consider a good behaviour because there are a lot of bad attitudes involve in this act such as: betrayal, lies, distrust or insecurity. However, this is a very common fact in our society. Statistics claims that men used to be more unfaithful than women, nevertheless, I think that women also cheating their couples on very much, but they are more discreet and intelligent than men. On the other hand, we must not forget that this behaviour is not a victimless crime, since a lot of people could be hurt in this play; our couple, our lovers and ourselves.
the next link is an interesting article about this topic! Enjoy it!

Monday 22 March 2010

Bandits & Outlaws

This week's class dealt with the story of popular bandits and outlaws such as: Jesse James, Robin Hood , John Dilling among others. These men were criminal that used to share their bounty with poor people. For this reason, they are considered nowadays as "the bad good guys".
However, this topic deals with a controversial and moral debate : Can we consider a criminal behaviour as something good if it implies positive consequences?
This is a really difficult question anyway. On the one hand, we can think that if a bandit steals rich people to help the poor ones, it is not a bad attitude, because their behaviour implies a positive and generous reaction. However, we must not forget that despite the fact that rich people have a lot of money, they have also the right to keep their possessions without feeling any threat.
Therefore, I believe that this debate is a complicated one that can show several and diverse interpretations. Nevertheless, I think that any criminal or bad conduct must be punished by the law, although it implies a positive result. Since I believe that everybody must be equal under the law.
The next link is an interesting website about the History of American Outlaws. We can find in it fascinating articles and legends about Jesse James and more American historical bandits, enjoy!!

Thursday 18 March 2010

In respond to Kimi's Post " Sex before Marriage"

I agree with Kimberley about the pressure that current society creates over people regarding when they have to practice sex. In my opinion, Sex is something really natural and a common behaviour among society. However, It is true that in some cultures or religious as Kimberley pointed out in her post, there is a particular conception about sex as a sin or as something wrong.

I believe that people should have sex when they feel the necessity of doing it. But we must also take into account that the most important thing about sex is not if it occurs before or after marriage, but also, that you have self-respect about your body and your necessities and also that your couple respects you. In other words, I mean that people should be aware that have sex is not an obligation, on the contrary, it should be a pleasure!

Society should respect and take into account that there are some traditional people that do not believe in sex before marriage. However, my personal opinion about this topic is that sex is one of the most important factors of a relationship. I could not imagine how some people can get married without knowing if the sexual activity with their couples is going to work. I think that we must be sure about if our partner and us are going to be able to have a good sexual understanding before making an important and serious decision as it is get married!

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Racism: The worst way of descrimination!

Why people are able to feel superior for being white or black? Are there different races or the only race to which we belong is the human being category? This answer should be really easy. We are equal! All of us are human beings with the same feelings, necessities, duties and rights. I cannot understand how some people can use the different color of their skin as a way of discrimination. Despite the fact that the world is changing and nowadays people is more tolerant and open-minded, we can find some radical racism groups in Modern society and unfortunately, this is an ugly truth that is presented in several countries.
In my opinion, the key for a good society is the diversity.There is nothing bad regarding being white, black or whatever. If we combine our cultures, we will able to create a better world. Because every culture has positive and interesting things that we should share each other. I believe that any form of discrimination is a crime. However, I won't never understand why people believe that they can be better than others only for the reason of being born in a particular country or having a different colour of skin. I only hope that people realize of this fact throughout time, in order to be able to live in a world where everybody can feel equal and special.
The next link is an interesting website about how to stop racism created by football's players.

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Plastic Surgery!

Why Plastic Surgery can be consider as something negative? This is one of the most common debate in Modern Society. Nowadays, there are more and more people who think that the plastic surgery is one of the most outstanding discoveries in the last decades. But it is good or bad?
In my opinion, there are two different ways of understanding this practice. On the one hand, we can consider that people must be satisfied with their own body, since we must accept what we are. Besides, The physical appearance is not the most importance thing in the world. People should be aware that we cannot be perfect, because anybody is perfect. All of us have our own faults and we have to learn how live with them. Moreover, we should not forget that plastic surgery could be very dangerous and sometimes it would be worse "the solution" than the "problem".
On the other hand, we can consider plastic surgery as a good way to improve our appearance and have a second opportunity of looking fabulous. Sometimes, this practice is understood as a perfect way to defeat our physical complexes and have a strong self-esteem.Nowadays, plastic surgery has became into a fashion, specially between famous people such as : Actors or actresses, singers and models among others. In my opinion, the negative aspect of this habit is when it becomes into a big addiction. In other words, it can be consider a bad thing when people are obsessed with achieving the physical perfection even at the risk of their own health.

Monday 15 March 2010

In responde to Sophie Dalton's post about Drugs!

After reading the post of my classmate, I realized that I agree with her in this topic. The most recurrent image about drugs that is presented in Modern Society is the "funny"effects of drugs. People used to think that Drugs are something amazing that help you to escape of our own reality toward a new free world. However, this is only one of the less common effects that drugs cause on people. I think that Society must show us the real consequence of these substances such as: strond addiction, mental problems, physical diseases and even death.

As Sophie has mentioned before, there are a lot of celebrities that used to take drugs. Perhaps, this is one of the reason why people used to associate drugs with glamour, fun, money and success.Unfortunately, the ugly truth is really different. Drugs never are amazing or good for us, on the contrary, they are one of the most dangerous enemies of human beings. Therefore, I agree with my classmate concerning the idea of showing people the real effects of drugs in order to avoid negative consequences in society.

Sunday 14 March 2010

In response to Natalie Robinson's post about Is too much knowledge a bad thing?

I think that this is one of the most interesting questions in the world. Everybody wants to have the opportunity of studying and achieving a high level of knowledge, however, Is too much knowledge a bad thing?

I think that there were some religious institutions throughout history that have tried to avoid the spread of knowledge, as my classmate has mentioned in her post. The reason of this attitude could be that ignorant people is more malleable when they have to believe some statements without think about its reliability. Therefore, we could say that Ignorance is a good weapon to manipulate people.

On the other hand, I believe that sometimes people is less happy when they have to much knowledge about a particular concern. In other words, ignorance avoid suffering. However, we must not forget that knowledge is also a special tool that leads us to incredible worlds. Knowledge makes us improve as persons and also gives us the power to be able to chose our destiny without being manipulated by anybody. This is the great advantage of Knowledge.

Therefore, I would like to say that knowledge is as good as progress is for the human being's existence.

Friday 12 March 2010

In response to Rob Ball's post about smoking!

Taking the opinion of my classmate into account, I would like to say that I disagree with the idea of smoking for the economical benefice of the country. I know that the tobacco industry is one of the most important incomes for the governments. However, I believe that people's health is really more important than the economical factor. In my opinion, Smoking must be forbidden in order to avoid diseases among smokers and not smokers.

Besides, I think that smoking is a terrible habit that not only affects the health of smokers, but also the health of people like me that have never smoked. The government should find another way to supply these financial incomes without damaging the welfare of the citizens. Therefore, I completely disagree with the opinion of my classmate who thinks that smoking is good for people and for the country!

Thursday 11 March 2010

Drugs! a public enemy or a public friend?

We have learned today that drugs have an interesting historical background. Besides, we told about the idea that sobriety is not a natural state in human beings, on the contrary, intoxication is more natural for us. In other words, this means that people are surrounded by chemical elements all the time. This is a real statement, however, we must not forget that each kind of drug is really different. Since, there are a lot of types of substances such as: Narcotics, Hypnotics, Stimulants, Inebriants or Hallucinogens.
Drugs have a strong effect over our metabolism. But the important thing is that some drugs are really dangerous and harmful for our health. People used to think about if these chemical elements have to be legal or illegal in our society. Nevertheless, The most outstanding point is try to arise people's consciousness about the negative and mortal effects of drugs. Nowadays, there are a lot of people, specially young people that have a strong addiction to some destructive substances. This is a big problem in our society. Since sometimes drugs have became into a mere fashion. On the other hand, we must also take into account that time ago, some intellectuals used to take chemical substances in order to write or paints art masterpieces. For instance: William Blake or Edgar Allan Poe. Therefore, we could say that it is not only a problem of Modern society.
Finally, I would like to point out that the most important aspect is to be aware of where is the limit of our addiction.In other terms, people must understand that drugs can kill us. Therefore, we should be careful and mature enough to be able to stop in time.

Thursday 4 March 2010

Bad Cinema: Kids a Masterpiece??

Today class deals with the topic of bad cinema. We watched Kids by Larry Clark. This film represents the social cultural American society of 90's. We can see how a group of adolescents are involved in a world of drugs, sex and alcohol. As the teacher has commented on in class, this is a very polemic and controversial movie. On the one hand, there are people who think that this film must be forbidden since it is really direct and it deals with topics that could be consider as not recommended for kids or teenagers. On the other hand, there are other people who think that this film is a masterpiece who describes in a brilliant way the society of that period and the way of life of American adolescents.
In my opinion, I think that this is one of the most horrible films that I have never seen before. The majorities of the scenes are really disgusting and I believe that it is not suitable for anybody. I do not like at all watching explicit sex scenes where children are involved. Besides, over my personal point of view, there are very direct and repulsive moments in the movie. Besides, I consider that the plot is too basic and simple. In other words, there are any relevant event that could call the attention of the audience.
I think that Kids is a really good example of bad cinema for two reasons: because it deals with polemic and controversial themes that could be consider as morally bad. And also for being a horrible movie, over my own perspective.

Saturday 27 February 2010

Masturbation: playing with yourself!

I have never imagined how could be a class about masturbation, however after this experience, I could say that it was really funny but a little bit strange. We learn in this class curious points for example that the representations of masturbation are less common than sex representations in any type of art. Another important aspect that we have commented on was the fact that people usually use metaphors when they talk about masturbation. A lot of people say amazing and incredible expressions that they use to refer to this habit,for instance: To shake the hand with the President! Who can use this kind of expression??? It is so weird!
One outstanding point was the fact that the typical expressions that people use to refer to male masturbation involve animals or violent actions. However, the terms that we use to refer to female masturbation are less aggressive and more playful. This fact is related to how male consider sex and masturbation as an example of masculinity and manliness.
Masturbation is always a taboo topic that we used to associate with something private, shameful or intimate. Nevertheless, I believe that the majority of people used to play with themselves. Masturbation is a really healthy habit that improves our psychic and physical health as well as it gives us pleasure .Society is changing nowadays and people is more open-minded about this topic, since years ago people used to associate masturbation with diseases, blindness or even death. However, scientists have discovered that masturbation is very good for us! Therefore, Why we cannot do it? the answer is an easier one: There is not any reason that prevents us from practising it, so enjoy yourself!!!!
The next link is an interesting article that proves that masturbation is a really healthy habit!

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Are you a liar ?????

YES! Who doesn't? this is the most recurrent answer to this question. I think that today class was really interesting, because it dealt with one of the most common habits among people: to tell a lie. I have never known anybody who always tells the truth! Parents sometimes have to tell lies to their children, children to parents, boyfriends to girlfriends and also we can find lies among friends. I believe that the fact of telling lies is an intrinsic characteristic of human beings. Sometimes, people tell white lies and sometimes, we tell really cruel lies. But, What is the reason to which we used to tell lies?

I do not know! May be because if we always tell the truth, we can share all our life with other people and we can feel that we are losing our own privacy; or perhaps because we do not want to hurt somebody with the ugly truth; or It also could be only for selfishness. I mean that sometimes we do bad things and we prefer don't tell the truth only to protect our own image.

On the other hand, I think that despite the fact that everybody tells lies, there is a dichotomy in this behaviour. Since everybody feels offended and indignant when we catch somebody in a lie, is not it? I never could understand why this fact annoys us so much when we are always acting in the same way. Perhaps because human beings are unpredictable and inexplicable. This could be the reason.
the next link is a really funny and useful information about how we can detect a liar focusing our attention on the gestures, body language or contradictions. Enjoy!

Monday 22 February 2010

Bad Behaviours: Stalking, Prostitution and Shoplifting

Everybody knows that human beings usually feel attraction for forbidden things. Perhaps, this is the reason why some people used to do things like stalk, prostitution or shoplifting. But, sometimes the point is more complicate that trying to justify bad behaviours only with the idea of attraction for prohibitions. I think that some people have an unhealthy conduct in some aspects of their lives. These kinds of habits need professional help such as: psychiatrists or phychologists. The question is: Where is the frontier between an unhealthy attitude and a exciting bad behaviour? This is again an open dilemma which I think that has not a closed answer.

Stalking for instance is a recurrent habit.Nowadays, there are a lot of people that have suffered this. Specially, famous actress, singers or well known people. Even, some of them have been mortal victims of stalker. On the other hand, Prostitution is also very common nowadays. For example, there are several countries where this behaviour is legal. But the problem is when sometimes, people do not choose this way of living voluntarily and they are like slaves of sex in a democratic society where supposedly everybody has the right of freedom. This is the terrible social reality, regrettably. Finally, I would like to comment on the act of shoplifting as the most typical bad conduct.I think that it is the less harmful attitude in comparison to prostitution and stalking. However, I believe that this habits could be very dangerous because it could become into an addiction, because people could think that they never will be discovered and they begin to feel the neccesity to take what is not yours. This is a really tricky problem, is not it?

the next links are one about an interesting article about why men use prostitution and the second one is an really useful British organization that supports victims of stalkers. I hope that you enjoy the articles and find them helpful.

Thursday 11 February 2010

My proposal for the week 12!

Taking into account that some of my classmates have considered topics such as sadomasochism or incest as possible themes for the week 12. I would like to propose the act of stealing as the topic for that week. I think that could be really interesting discuss some points such as the following ones during the lesson:
  • What could be the reasons that lead somebody to take what is not yours?

  • Can we interpret as equally bad the acts of stealing something for necessity or stealing for pleasure?

  • Can we justify some thefts?

  • Must we punish all the thieves in the same way or the sentences must depend on the grade of thefts?

In my opinion, I consider that this could be a relevant topic for this module programme because it deals with an universal behaviour that has been considered as something unacceptable as well as polemic over a philosophical perspective thoughout history.

The following link is a curious news about a virtual theft that I have found in the BBC web site.

Saturday 6 February 2010

Smoking, The right option?

The debate about smoking or not smoking has existed throughout years and years, specially during the last decades. However, In my personal opinion the answer is clear: smoking is an unhealthy and harmful habit that affects everybody, smokers and not smokers. I am aware that throughout history, cigarettes have been associated with positive aspects such as: success, glamour, sex or freedom. Perhaps, It is the reason why a lot of people used to smoking regularly. As well as, all we know that cigarettes are addictive. On the one hand, not smokers could think that we must not ban people from smoking, because it is a personal choice and an intrinsic right as individuals. Nevertheless, Who protect the health of non smokers that have decided on their own not smoke? Because we also need to breathe pure air in public places.

On the other hand, we must take into account the economic interests that we can find behind the habit of smoking. For this reason, We can understand that some governments support this action and the tobacco companies have denied throughout years that cigarettes are dangerous for our health and addictive. Finally, I would like to comment on that Spanish government wants to establish a law in order to ban people from smoking in public places such as: bars, restaurants, shops etc. But this is a very polemical issue in my country. Since there are a lot of smokers that are not agreed with this "anti-tobacco" law. Therefore, Spanish people must wait few months to know what is the definitive decision.

The next link is an interesting web side about ASH(action on smoking and health). I hope that it was useful for you, specially for smokers that want to give it up!

Sunday 31 January 2010

My first impression!

After my first class on this module, I think that this subject is really interesting. In my opinion, the fact that can deal with controversial topics such as: Drugs, Smoking, Sex, Tattoos among other kinds of things that surround our world, is really stimulating as well as entertaining at the same time. Besides, I would like to comment on that as an exchange student, this experience could be outstanding since I am going to be able to compare the particular point of view that English people and society have about these sorts of "polemic"topics. On the other hand, I think that the different socio-cultural ideas that we could share as members of divergent societies are going to teach us something new in relation to these types of ideas introduced in the lessons.

Regarding the question about what we understand as "bad" behaviour? I believe that the line that separates the notions of immoral, unreasonable and dangerous attitudes and an evil behaviour is sometimes really close. However, I consider that this debate is very complex and also it depends on the personality and way of life of each person. Nevertheless, we must take into account that there are some bad attitudes that the majority of people consider as evil behaviours. But the question is always an open one: What are these kinds of conventions? This is the great mystery! Is not it?
This link is an interesting and funny article about how the fact of being bad is sometimes positive for our health! Enjoy it:)