Thursday 4 March 2010

Bad Cinema: Kids a Masterpiece??

Today class deals with the topic of bad cinema. We watched Kids by Larry Clark. This film represents the social cultural American society of 90's. We can see how a group of adolescents are involved in a world of drugs, sex and alcohol. As the teacher has commented on in class, this is a very polemic and controversial movie. On the one hand, there are people who think that this film must be forbidden since it is really direct and it deals with topics that could be consider as not recommended for kids or teenagers. On the other hand, there are other people who think that this film is a masterpiece who describes in a brilliant way the society of that period and the way of life of American adolescents.
In my opinion, I think that this is one of the most horrible films that I have never seen before. The majorities of the scenes are really disgusting and I believe that it is not suitable for anybody. I do not like at all watching explicit sex scenes where children are involved. Besides, over my personal point of view, there are very direct and repulsive moments in the movie. Besides, I consider that the plot is too basic and simple. In other words, there are any relevant event that could call the attention of the audience.
I think that Kids is a really good example of bad cinema for two reasons: because it deals with polemic and controversial themes that could be consider as morally bad. And also for being a horrible movie, over my own perspective.

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