Tuesday 16 March 2010

Plastic Surgery!

Why Plastic Surgery can be consider as something negative? This is one of the most common debate in Modern Society. Nowadays, there are more and more people who think that the plastic surgery is one of the most outstanding discoveries in the last decades. But it is good or bad?
In my opinion, there are two different ways of understanding this practice. On the one hand, we can consider that people must be satisfied with their own body, since we must accept what we are. Besides, The physical appearance is not the most importance thing in the world. People should be aware that we cannot be perfect, because anybody is perfect. All of us have our own faults and we have to learn how live with them. Moreover, we should not forget that plastic surgery could be very dangerous and sometimes it would be worse "the solution" than the "problem".
On the other hand, we can consider plastic surgery as a good way to improve our appearance and have a second opportunity of looking fabulous. Sometimes, this practice is understood as a perfect way to defeat our physical complexes and have a strong self-esteem.Nowadays, plastic surgery has became into a fashion, specially between famous people such as : Actors or actresses, singers and models among others. In my opinion, the negative aspect of this habit is when it becomes into a big addiction. In other words, it can be consider a bad thing when people are obsessed with achieving the physical perfection even at the risk of their own health.

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